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1 323 km² | Designated in 2009

The Estuaire-des-Rivières-Koktac-et-Nauberakvik proposed biodiversity reserve (Réserve de biodiversité projetée de l’Estuaire-des-Rivières-Koktac-et-Nauberakvik) protects a territory composed of numerous lakes and rivers as well as its estuary on the coastal section. It protects species that are important to the traditional activities of the surrounding communities, including those related to fishing. It also protects part of the range of the Leaf River migratory caribou herd.

Caribou from the Leaf River herd (Caribous du troupeau de la Rivière aux Feuilles) © Marianne Ricard, KRG/ARK

In addition, this territory protects a particular geomorphology made up of low hills with little variation in elevation that are covered with a relatively thick layer of glacial deposits, i.e., loose materials accumulated by a glacier or directly influenced by the presence of a glacier. A small portion of the area also has a distinctive drumlinoid deposit, which consists of large tapered formations that indicate the direction of ice flow.


Land Category – JBNQA and NEQA
Categories II and III

Main conservation objectives
To protect representative ecosystems of the Puvirnituq Lowlands natural region, including several lakes and rivers, its estuary on the coastal part, and its distinctive geomorphology. Also aims to protect an essential subsistence area for Inuit.

Geological province
Superior Province

Natural region
Puvirnituq Lowlands

Bioclimatic domain
Shrub arctic tundra 

Leaf River migratory caribou herd

Numerous important lakes and rivers such as the Koktac, Nauberakvik, and Crow, as well as their watersheds and estuaries

Archaeological sites
4 sites listed in the inventory of archeological sites of Quebec (Inventaire des sites archéologiques du Québec (ISAQ)).

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