Voice your opinion

Consultations with Nunavik communities and Nations on protected areas are essential. The objective of the process is to provide the right tools to obtain information. More importantly, it provides the space and opportunity to comment on the process that led to the creation of the new protected areas, its relevance and representativeness of the network as it is on this website.

Ultimately, community aspirations for the future of each protected area will be examined, along with ways to ensure the development and vitality of the network.

Rivière-Kovik proposed aquatic reserve (Réserve aquatique projetée de la Rivière-Kovik) © Marianne Ricard, KRG/ARK

Dates to watch for




Community Hall

6 pm to 8 pm: Public information and discussion session

“This is part of taking back our culture. It is important for our children to know what was important to us.”  

Participant in the 2011–2012 protected areas consultations

Understanding the steps of the process


Information campaign

The purpose of the information campaign is to allow all interested individuals and organizations from Nunavik communities and Nations to be well informed about the protected areas planning process.


Public consultations

Public consultations planned with each Nunavik community and Nation will allow all interested individuals and organizations to have renewed access to key information. This will be an opportunity to discuss the process that led to the current protected areas and the relevance and representativeness of the network as it is presented.


Discussion of precise boundaries and development

In a subsequent phase of the project, field trips are planned, allowing Inuit, Naskapis from Kawawachikamach, and Crees from Whapmagoostui to visit or revisit the territories of the new protected areas in Nunavik.

These visits, complemented by workshops with maps and information available through the Makivik Corporation, the Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach, Landholding Corporations, Elders Councils, and other relevant organizations, will validate the precise boundaries of these protected areas.

This phase will also provide an opportunity for community reflection on the vitality of these territories within the protected areas network. It will involve identifying the aspirations of the communities and Nations concerned so that these territories can be properly placed along the spectrum of possibilities offered by the status of biodiversity reserve or aquatic reserve, ranging from strict conservation to recreational and tourism development and promotion.

How to participate

At this stage of the process, you are encouraged to browse this website and visit the @NunavikProtectedAreas  Facebook page to learn more about protected areas and to have everything needed to voice your opinion when the time comes. You are also welcome to submit your questions using the contact form on this website.

The best way to get detailed answers to all your questions is to come to the consultation events. All are good and valid questions!

Keep up to date on the process by visiting this website regularly and by subscribing to the @NunavikProtectedAreas Facebook page.

Questions? Comments?

Voice your opinion!